How does Motorway Move work?

When the seller has approved your offer, you can request delivery of the vehicle through Motorway Move.

Our innovative transport management service will work behind the scenes to optimise the best driver for the job. They will travel to the seller’s chosen location, appraise the vehicle, using our appraisal technology, and bring it back to your dealership.

Motorway Move allows you to save time normally spent inspecting and collecting your purchases. Vehicles do not get cleared without your consent, and Proof of Collection and Proof of Delivery forms ensure documentation of any faults or issues sustained during the delivery process.

To make a booking, either click the ‘Book delivery’ button on the full vehicle profile, or go to your Purchases area and click the three dots on the right-hand side of the vehicle profile, and select ‘Delivery details’.

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You will then be shown a quote for using Motorway Move to drive or transport the vehicle to your main registered address on Motorway. If you wish to book delivery to an alternative site, get in touch on or by calling 020 3318 7631. 

For detailed instructions on booking a collection, see our FAQ How do I book Motorway Move?

For info on fees and terms, see our FAQ How much does Motorway Move cost?