Our full terms and conditions for price adjustments and cancellations are available on our website.
We understand that during some collections, you will find undisclosed damage and need to change your price to reflect the cost of repairs.
How to continue if you find additional damage at the point of collection:
- Point out the discrepancy to the seller
- Request a price reduction that accurately reflects the repair cost, after allowing £250 for prep costs
- If it's not possible to agree on an adjusted price you may need to cancel the sale
- In either case, you must complete our Adjustment & Cancellation form within 24 hours
Where to find the form
- Select the 3 dots on the right-hand side of the vehicle profile listed in your Purchases area
- When completing the form, make sure you add plenty of photo evidence and detailed descriptions of any additional damage not captured in the original vehicle profile
- We will assess your submission and make sure you are invoiced accurately
Cancellation Issue rate
- If you have a high rate of unjustified cancellations, you risk having your account suspended.
- For more information, see our FAQ What is a Cancellation Issue Rate?
- We may contact you after a cancellation to ask for feedback. This enables us to continually ensure that the Motorway marketplace provides a positive experience for both dealers and sellers.
Important information
- An important part of our dealer conduct policy is that you inform Motorway of any negotiations or contact with your seller following a cancelled sale
- If you and your seller come to an agreement following a cancelled sale, you must inform the Dealer Support Team and go through the proper channels
- If you fail to do this, you are in breach of our privacy policy, which may result in you being suspended from purchasing stock on the Motorway platform.