As outlined in our Code of Conduct, we expect you make offers for vehicles in our marketplace in good faith, honouring the purchases of the vehicles you win.
If you find yourself in exceptional circumstances, and need to cancel the deal at a point between winning the vehicle and arranging collection, please use the Adjustment & Cancellation form – you can find this in the vehicle profile.
Learn more about this form in our FAQ What is Motorway’s Adjustment & Cancellation form?
Please note that if you cancel a significant proportion of your deals, you run the risk of having your account restricted.
Try our shortlisting tool to curate a selection of your best-fit vehicles each day. You can shortlist vehicles in the sale preview every evening, giving you more time to finalise your bidding strategy while the live auction runs each day. This minimises the risk of cancellations, and saves you time.
To learn more about shortlisting, read our FAQ How can I favourite, save, or shortlist stock?