I’ve won a vehicle. What’s next?

When you’ve won a vehicle at the end of the daily live auction, or won a buy it now vehicle, the vehicle profile moves from your Bids & offers space to your Purchases space, and shows the status ‘Awaiting confirmation’. You’ll get an email alert that you won the vehicle, too.

Once the seller agrees to the deal, you’ll get another email confirmation informing you of this update, and the vehicle profile in Purchases will change status again to ‘Reviewing documents’.

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Click the three dots on the right-hand side of the vehicle profile in your Purchases list at any point once you’ve won the vehicle, and select ‘Delivery details’ to see an estimate of what it would cost to use Motorway Move to inspect and collect the vehicle.

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For more info on making a Motorway Move booking, see our FAQ How do I book Motorway Move? You’ll see the vehicle profile take on an additional, secondary status of ‘Delivery requested’ if you put in a Motorway Move request.

Alternatively, select ‘Seller details’ within that same vehicle profile menu to arrange collection directly with the seller. We require you to make contact with the seller following the sale, but please do not ask them to send you any documentation directly. Motorway takes responsibility for supporting the seller in their upload of their key documents, such as their V5C logbook, finance settlement letter, driving license, etc. See more in our FAQ What documents will Motorway ask sellers for?

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Meanwhile, once Motorway agents have checked the seller’s documents, the main status will change once more from ‘Reviewing documents’ to ‘Checks complete’.

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If you have not got a date and time agreed with the seller for collection, either through Motorway Move or directly, by the time that the status changes to ‘Checks complete’, please arrange the collection as soon as possible. For help with contacting your seller, see our FAQ How do I contact my seller?

If you’re unsure about when to contact sellers, see our FAQ including sample text for initiating contact When will the seller accept my offer?