When will I know if I won a vehicle?

When you win a vehicle at the live auction, you’ll receive an automatic confirmation email. The vehicle profile will appear under your Purchases with the status ‘Awaiting confirmation’.

Seller confirmation and next steps

  • Once the seller agrees to the sale, you’ll get another email with the price and terms of sale
  • This email will also include a link to the seller’s contact information to arrange collection
  • For sample text to send, refer to our FAQ, When will the seller accept my offer?

Reviewing documents

  • After the seller confirms, the vehicle status will change to ‘Reviewing documents’
  • At this stage, we’ll finalise paperwork and notify you if any actions are required.

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Delivery details 

  • To get a delivery quote, click the 3 dots next to the vehicle profile in your Purchases and select ‘Delivery details’ for Motorway Move.

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  • If the seller doesn’t respond within 48 hours, you can rescind your offer.
  • For help with this, read our FAQ Can I cancel a bid or offer?

We have more information on uncommunicative sellers in our FAQ What is your dealer conduct policy?